Tuesday, 29 March 2011


When I was going home soft white snowflakes danced in the air. It was beautiful. All over me nature was gray, cold, depressed and apathetic,  but then came snowflakes and returned peace and harmony to this area.
White fly landed on my lips, after the second there was only a drop of water, she died. Envoys of winter gave way to spring rain.

Thursday, 24 March 2011


Yesterday I went to the Opera House to see the full-dress rehearsals of  "The Lady of the Camellias" by Estonian choreographer  Tiit Harm, based on the  Duma’s novel with music by Franz Liszt.
"Ballet tells the story of the Parisian courtesan Marguerite Gautier and her lover Armand Duval, the son of a wealthy family. Armand's father demands Marguerite leave his son, and she gives in. When the lovers meet again coincidentally some time later, she is already deathly ill with tuberculosis..."


Tuesday, 22 March 2011

0003 or a post without title

Recently, I want to broaden my horizons. I strive to be open, I am trying to understand everything, whether it's fashion, whether it's modern painting, whether they're people around me. In all aspects of my life.
I'm a small girl trying not to get lost in this "Crazy-Big-World", between eternal values and commercialized tinsel.

Monday, 21 March 2011


Girl is sitting on the old chair.
She doesn't look good in the decrepit T-shirt, which was her brothers favorite long time ago.
She isn't tired, that's a forgotten feeling  for her.
She was working hard for a long time, she does not see results of her efforts.
She wants to believe that nested forces like planted seeds will yield.
She doesn't know why....
"Why she is writing in the third person?",
"Why she forgot about this place?",
"Why she returned here now?"
The questions will never be answered.
She just feels new right now.